Best Routine to Curb Bipolar Disorder


Take your medicines and Supplements on Time:

Build a Regular Sleep and Wakeup Time:

Do activities that you enjoy:

You may enjoy certain activities like reading books or painting when you are not experiencing a depressive mood. However, if you feel depressed, you may not have enough motivation to do those things.  Despite your lack of energy, continue doing activities that make you happy.  This helps to alleviate your depressive symptoms.  Don’t be afraid to do activities that make you feel happy. While you may think that you may not enjoy them when you are depressed, it does not mean you should avoid them. Once you start doing this, it will gradually increase your mood.

Track your Symptoms in a Calendar or Planner:

At first, you may think that mood swings come randomly and suddenly. However, tracking your symptoms can help you identify important patterns. This allows you to manage your conditions better and even prevent mood swings.  To start monitoring, take a calendar, paper, or an app. Then, note down the following throughout the day.

  • Diet:  Does the food you eat affect your mood or not?
  • Seasonal Changes:  Weather changes also cause depression in some people. Hence, check whether it affects your mod.
  • Sleep: Note down your sleep pattern. Not getting enough or too much sleep can also cause mood episodes.

Tracking these things will help you understand your mood episodes. Thus, you can make informed decisions to improve your mood.

Final Thoughts:


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