Dietitian Nutritionist


Intuitive eating is a philosophy of eating that makes you the expert of your body and its internal cues. These internal cues are designed to get the body’s needs met. It is a non-diet approach that teaches you to trust and respect your body and its natural instincts, which in turn will improve your overall physical and mental health. It aims to foster a positive relationship with food and your body, without trying to change it. Health At Every Size is a weight neutral approach to health and wellness. It emphasizes looking at other measures of health outside of weight control. These principles form the foundation of our nutrition counseling sessions. Nutrition counseling can assist with identifying eating patterns and behaviors that are related to certain challenges in one’s life, as a person’s relationship with food is often a metaphor for life. Over time, people can heal from their relationship with food and their bodies and improve their quality of life.

Types of nutrition related concerns

Disordered thoughts around food and body

Eating disorders

Food challenges with ADHD

Nutrition management for diabetes

Food sensory challenges

Feeding your family challenges

Nutrition for heart health

Preparing for your first appointment

You can visit ‘the team’ page to read bios of each team member. From there, you can schedule an intake if desired. Click ‘schedule appointment’ at the top of our website to schedule your first appointment with the identified provider.

You will receive intake paperwork via email to be completed through our portal once your initial appointment has been scheduled. Please make sure to complete all the new client registration documentation prior to your intake. Please note, if we do not receive the intake paperwork within 48 business hours before your scheduled intake, the appointment will be cancelled and will need to be rescheduled for a later date.

Insurance benefits will be verified prior to the initial visit, once the insurance information has been uploaded, as part of the intake paperwork. Your provider can go over your insurance benefits with you during the first visit.

What to expect at your first appointment

The first session can last up to 90 minutes in length, to allow for enough time for you to share your whole story since your relationship with food and your body began at birth! We will discuss your past medical history, presenting concerns and nutrition goals. Other topics might include self-care, childhood memories around food, food insecurity, food sensitivities, identify disordered thoughts around food or body and intuitive principles.

This first session is a good opportunity to also interview the provider, to get a feel for whether you align with the provider’s approach and personality. Questions and concerns are encouraged to be brought forward during your appointment. It’s been said that treatment success might depend more on the relationship you have with your provider than their skill set!

What to expect at follow up sessions

Follow up sessions typically last 60-75 minutes per session. During these sessions, we will follow up on prior goals set, celebrate progress or identify further barriers to achieving your goals. New challenges might be brought forward from the prior weeks, or we will continue to process already identified challenges. Often, we work to separate food from feelings. It’s not uncommon for therapy needs to be identified while discussing food related challenges, so if you are not already established with a psychotherapist, often referrals are recommended.

Length of Treatment

This varies from person to person, depending on how long they’ve been struggling with certain food-related challenges. Some only need support for a few months, while others might end up meeting for years. Most people benefit from meeting weekly or biweekly for the length of their treatment. Towards the end, monthly check-ins are common, until support is no longer needed.

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