Neuropsychological Evaluation

Step 1: Enter the clinic
Step 2: Before the evaluation, help yourself to the coffee and hot chocolate bar
Step 3: Please wait in the lobby for the provider
Step 4: Complete the intake with patient and parent or informant (1 hour in duration). Start the tests with the patient (usually 1-5 hours of testing time)
Step 5: Parent or informant completes assessments in the lobby while patient completes testing
Step 6: Your provider will schedule a results/feedback session with you (usually 1 hour in duration). This will take place about 1-2 weeks after the evaluation
What is a neuropsychological Evaluation?

Integrative Health offers in person neuropsychological evaluations across the age spectrum, from the pediatric (ages 6+) to geriatric population. We provide neuropsychological assessment services to patients with concerns related to a neurodevelopmental disorders, trauma, or neurological disease.

A neuropsychological evaluation is similar to putting pieces of a puzzle together to understand presenting concerns to possibly include cognitive (thinking), social, and/or emotional complaints, and to ultimately understand how your brain works. The evaluation includes a clinical interview, a review of medical records, the testing itself, and putting the puzzle pieces together to understand how they fit together. The doctor will speak with you about presenting concerns and goals for the evaluation. If a family member attends the appointment, they may be asked to share their concerns as well, with permission. The doctor will look through pertinent medical records which may include previous psychological evaluations, MRI scans of the brain, academic records, etc. Then several tasks and activities that measure cognitive skills including general intellect, learning and memory, attention, language, academics, visuospatial, executive functioning, and fine motor skills will be administered, along with self-report measures that explore emotional functioning and personality.

Usually the tests are administered by a neuropsychometrist. These tests are used to help the doctor understand if cognitive changes are related to a neurological illness or injury, a psychological condition such as depression, or if your presenting concerns are a normal part of the aging process and/or development. Doctors can then use the information of the evaluation to help aid in diagnosis and suggest appropriate treatment recommendations.

The evaluation will take anywhere from 2-6+ hours depending on the referral question. The tests use paper and pencil. Breaks are available at the patient’s request.

Why obtain a neuropsychological evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation is typically recommended secondary to the following difficulties or conditions: ADD/ADHD, pediatric Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Learning Disorder (e.g., dyslexia), Epilepsy, Stroke, Mood Disorder (e.g., depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder), Cancer, Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury, and more.

Preparing for your appointment

· Try and obtain a good night’s sleep

· Eat a hearty breakfast

· Take all of your medications as usual unless you are directly told otherwise by your doctor. If taking a stimulant medication, ask your doctor if it is ok you do not take the medication during the first appointment as this may impact your test results

· If you wear glasses, contact lenses, or hearing aid, please bring them with you

· Please upload the following records into the Client Portal if possible: academic records (e.g., IEP), previous psychological or neuropsychological evaluations, MRI, CT, recent lab work

· You will need to sign a release form given the doctor permission to share your results with another healthcare provider outside of Integrative Health, so please have their contact information available

· If a family member attends the appointment with you, the doctor will ask for your permission to interview them. They may be asked to complete forms as well.

· If you are not feeling well, please reschedule the appointment

· Please bring snacks and dress comfortably

What happens after the intake and evaluation?

During the initial appointment, your provider will schedule a follow up/feedback/results appointment. This can be done via telehealth or in person.

· The provider will answer patient and family questions regarding cognitive and emotional functioning.

· The provider will communicate findings, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment recommendations

· If requested, the provider will send you and your care team a copy of the report

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