Katelyn Fasching

Hi I am Katelyn Fasching and I am a passionate, creative art therapy intern with 13 years of experience working with children, ages 6 months to 18 years old. With a main focus on early adolescents (12-14 year olds). My journey has been dedicated to helping young minds heal, grow, and evolve. I want to continue to work with children, particularly ages 12-14 years old. Truthfully, I want to work with all ages to help people discover their authentic selves. Through the transformative power of art, I guide the people I work with in expressing their emotions, overcoming challenges, and discovering their true potential. My goal is to be supportive and nurturing of your emotional and psychological well-being, all while fostering a safe and inspiring environment to allow yourself to find your unique self-expression through art.

When I am enjoying life, I am spending time with my spouse Dan and my goldendoodle Pickle. I love to play video games! I love a good cozy game that is fun and relaxing. Some of my favorite games are Animal Crossing, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the Sims, and Fae Farm. Otherwise I enjoy reading, hiking, going camping, doing puzzles, and hanging out with friends and family. I love to travel and to visit my home away from home Seattle, Washington.

What is art therapy?
Art therapy is a form of therapy that uses creative activities like drawing, painting, and sculpting to help people express their feelings, manage stress, and improve their overall mental health. It is especially helpful for those who find it difficult to talk about their emotions. Through the process of creating art, individuals can explore their inner experiences, develop self-awareness, and gain new perspectives on their lives. This therapeutic approach is guided by trained art therapists who support and facilitate the healing process.

Can I do art therapy if I don’t have any experience in art?
Yes! You only need a desire to be creative and a willingness to be open and curious about art. I am a former middle school art teacher with tons of experience working with people at varying stages of art competency. Therefore, I will provide all the guidance and patience you need on your art therapy journey.

Katelyn is in-network with all insurance plans and accepting new therapy referrals. Appointments can be made online by clicking “schedule appointment” or emailing her at kfasching@integrativehealthmn.com.

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