Victoria Blackbird

Victoria is a Reiki Master, Registered Yoga Teacher and Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner who has studied Integrative Health Sciences, Complementary Alternative Medicine and Herbal Medicine and is an LGBTQ+ identifying practitioner. She works with adolescents and adults of all ages who have experienced a variety of struggles such as anxiety, traumatic stress, grief or loss as well as with those in transitions seeking personal growth, accountability and to manifest change. Her approach uses traditional energy medicine and holistic health practices to encourage transition, support healing and create a framework for each individual’s well being. She cultivates a safe and sacred space for release and processing, and provides the tools for her clients to move forward with a sense of empowerment.

Reiki Treatment

Reiki :: embrace spiritually guided life force energy through a gentle hands on experience that treats the body, spirit and mind of the whole individual. This technique creates beneficial effects including relaxation, peace and security. Those experiencing low life force energy or vitality, are stressed or suffering from a depleted immune system are drawn to this offering. 30 mins, $75 or 60 mins, $125

[An ancient Japanese technique promoting healing; ‘rei’ is the universal energy or power // ‘ki’ is the fundamental life force flowing through all things.]

Holistic Wellness Coaching

Wellness :: individualized consulting that evaluates areas of support to overall wellbeing through lifestyle practices, nutritional modifications, herbal remedies and spiritual guidance. Those wishing to establish routines and create foundational groundwork for optimal health and wellness are drawn to this offering. 60 mins, $125 (First Time Intro Session, $85)

[Embrace responsibility for your health and take action by adopting holistic practices into your day to day.]

Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy // Biofeedback Therapy

FSMT/Biofeedback :: using the Healy stimulation device, receive an bioenergetic resonance or auric scan of the emotional mental, physical and energetic fields followed by the specific frequency therapy program designed to realign, balance and support the system of focus. Individual practices or homework may be given in the appointment to support mind-body integration and stabilizing. Those who feel any kind of emotional, mental or physical dis-ease, are in the process of healing in any way or seek mind-body realignment are drawn to this offering. First Appointment, $95, Follow Up: 30 mins, $65 or 60 mins, $85

[Biofeedback and microcurrent frequencies assist the client by specifically targeting the areas of focus with gentle and non-invasive currents to accelerate healing and whole system realignment.]

Integrative Energy Medicine

Energy :: one-on-one energetic integrative healing experience beginning with an initial assessment and intuitive energy field reading followed by shamanic energy healing that includes a dynamic release, cleanse and balancing. Individual practices or homework may be given in the appointment to support mind-body integration and stabilizing. Those who feel directionless or trapped, seek clarity, a sense of freedom or mind-body realignment are drawn to this offering. 60 mins, $175 (First Time Intro Session, $125)

[Shamanic healing assists the whole-self for its highest good by alchemizing within the subconscious and integrating, the universal organizing principle, love.]

Healing Program

Program :: beginning with an individual assessment, this eight week immersive healing program is curated to stimulate the individuals’ desired multi-level movement and healing. Those seeking intensive commitment to physical wellbeing, mental growth and spiritual journey are drawn to this offering. ($1575 value) Total cost, $1,425

[includes // initial assessment / four integrative energy medicine appointments / custom combination of four 60 minute reiki treatment, holistic wellness coaching, biofeedback or energy medicine appointments]

Appointments can be made by calling or texting 612-842-9814 or emailing us at

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